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October 30, 2022

How does Prancer modernize openssl 3.X remediations?

What is OpenSSL 3.x vulnerability?    On October 25, the OpenSSL Project announced a critical vul...

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October 28, 2022

Red Teaming and Automated penetration testing with Prancer Security Solution

Introduction As organizations increasingly move to the cloud, they must also ensure that their da...

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August 26, 2022

Three main challenges of Cloud Security

Introduction to Cloud Security Challenges In today’s business landscape, cloud security is ...

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August 4, 2022

9 tips for assessing your modern cloud security toolsets

Understanding Cloud Security: Basics of securing data Cloud specific security tooling is essentia...

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July 28, 2022

Announcing the launch of Red and Blue Cyber Security Show

Introduction: Overview of cyber security show launch Prancer Enterprise, a cyber security startup...

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July 13, 2022

Why do Next-generation snapshot scanning security solutions raise security concerns?

Why is Agent-based scanning getting irrelevant with cloud-native elastic workloads? Agent-based s...

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